(ENG/KOR Sub)どんなに泣いても崩れない最強アイドルメイク | Guide to Sakura Miyawaki’s Idol Makeup that will never come off

「宮脇咲良 HKT48 卒業コンサート ~Bouquet~」の時のメイクをご紹介します。

今回もサムネイルの写真は é𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖙!さんからお借りしました。ありがとうございます!

시청 감사합니다 ♡ Thank you for watching ♡ 感谢您经常观看♡










Juliet B.

I’m not into makeup at all, and I don’t understand Japanese. Still, I watched the whole 27:34 of this video because it’s Miyawaki. No further reasons are needed.


0:53 メイクポーチ
1:38 下地 courcelles ポアープライマー&ベースオリジナル
2:27 スポンジ Filli Milli ウォータリーパフ
2:54 下地2 JUNG SAEM MOOL スキンセッティングトーンアップサンベース
3:48 ファンデーション GIVERNY 密着カバーファンデーション17 ポスリン
4:06 ファンデーション2 espoir プロテイラーファンデーションビーグロー アイボリー
5:11 ファンデーションブラシ Suador okhee 白玉ファンデーションブラシ
6:18 コンシーラー LUNA ロングラスティングチップコンシーラー01 ライトベージュ
7:34 パウダー Innisfree ノーセバムミネラルパウダー
8:12 アイブロウパウダー WHOMEE アイブロウパウダーN ブライトブラウン
8:48 アイブロウマスカラ DOLLY WINK アイブロウフィルター01 ピンクベージュ
9:16 アイシャドウ CLIO プロアイパレット01 シンプリーピンク
12:53 アイライナー PICCASSO プロエイトチョンダム ステイオン ジェルアイライナー02 ダークブラウン
17:33 つけまつげ THE TOOL LAB TSL001 ザスタイルラッシュ001
17:56 つけまつげのり DUO ストリップラッシュ接着剤ダーク
18:53マスカラ ETUDE HOUSE ラッシュバームボリュームフィックスマスカラ ブラウン
19:23 ビューラー 竹串+火
21:25 アイシャドウ2 FORENCOS ベアアイシャドウパレット09 ブーケ
22:30 アイシャドウ3 Colorgram ミルクブリングシャドウ01 ダブルスター
23:52 チーク Rom&nd ベターザンチーク03 ブルーベリーチップ
24:16 チーク2 KLAVUU アーバンパールセーションナチュラルパウダーブラッシャー04 アンゴラピンク
24:20 チーク3 A’pieu パステルブラッシャーPK07 ピンク
24:46 シェーディング 不明
25:27 リップクリーム SHISEIDO モアリップ
25:39 リップ PERIPERA インクエアリーベルベッド14 ロージーピンク
26:03 リップ2 Rom&nd ジューシーラスティングティント15 ファンキーメロン


やっぱizone の中でも誰担当のメイクさんとかおるんや……こういうの聞けて嬉しい


私もさくちゃんみたいに綺麗になれるように頑張る^ – ^ 追記:13時間後には40万回超え、、さくちゃんの人気すごいなぁ


やっぱお高めの化粧品使ってるのかなぁとか思って見始めたら、あれ?めっちゃ知ってるのしか出てこないしかも持ってるのある…ってなって喜んだ私︎︎(◜𖥦◝ )



toto 2021

Sakura barefaced is pretty. She learned so much from experts in Korea.

Hoping for outdoor vlog or with maruchan next time.



brj change

I’m a guy who knows nothing about make-up and don’t understand Japanese but still watch the whole video



Oneiric 12

Here is Sakura who can recreate her make-up like what her make-up artist does…while here I am who can’t even properly fix my eyebrows ksjdhdgf😅

pk Juri


ka mi




mo ri




pierrot juryoku

I think there are many mistakes.. excuse me.

Hello! I’m Miyawaki Sakura.
Today, I’ll tell you about Makeup on my HKT48 graduation concert day.
0:12 The title is..”idol Makeup that never come off No matter how much you cry”!!
0:19 I’ve uploaded videos in which I playing games, but It’s my first time posting makeup movie so I’m really nervous now. I hope you’ll enjoy it.
0:31 by the way, now, I’m ashamed…
I just put skin lotion and emulsion on my face
0:41 and wearing colored contact lens.
0:43 which means I’m almost not wearing any makeup.
0:45 I’ll show you every process from the very first to the last.
0:49 Then, let’s start!
0:54 This is my Makeup bag. I carry it every day. It’s soo heavy.
1:03 In this bag..like this. these are all to put on Miyawaki’s makeup.
1:09 I collect makeup items in a big way.
1:13 on the graduation concert day, I put on makeup myself the process which I have Strong preferences, and asked the make-up artist to do the process that I feel l’m bad at, so there are some items borrow from her.
1:31 first of all, Makeup base,I don’t know how to read…courcell…this is korean-made. I saw makeup artists use this in Korea.
1:43 this is for hiding pores.
1:45 this is for putting on whole face.

I use this only for wings of nose, which perspire a lot.
at the concert, there are strong lights, so it’s apt to look like oily skin, even it’s not like that if you see in person.

2:05 so I aimed to Matte finish.
2:09 then I put the pink one on my whole face. I apply this in a very thin layer. because I use another makeup base from here which is my favorite.

2:20 it’s important to put on in a thin, if you do in a thick layer your makeup easily comes off.
2:28 this is the sponge the artist has, it’s very good. apply in a very thin layer like almost not apply, and…
2:41 I usually don’t use these two, I only use these on the concert day. usually
2:49 jung saem mool, very popular brand in Korea. I use it.
3:02 this makeup base lightens up your face and has protection against sunburns.
3:11 I think I apply this more thick than that (2:20)
3:15 basically, I put on by my hand, and use the sponge to stick it in.
3:27 you can lighten up your face by only this process, and it sparkles a little I think this is good for everyday use.
3:38 now I finished makeup base.
3:41 then two liquid type foundations. this is “idol makeup”‘s point.
3:49 Giverny
4:00 espoiler..? staff “it’s espoir” hahaha
4:03 Ah, I learned it wrong..
4:06 espoir!
4:11 these two are used by korean makeup artists when I was in Korea as IZ*ONE,
and especially, this Giverny’s one, all KPOP artist’s make unnies have it.
4:24 I think it’s good for stages. it never comes off, sticks in your skin well, makes your skin look good.
4:34 but it looks a little bit heavy when you use only this, so use with espoir’s dewy foundation. that was IZ*ONE’s make.
4:43 I use this amount, 1 push.
4:49 and espoir’s one… 4:58 like this
5:00 I think it’s better I use Spatula to mix these, but I don’t have one. It’s OK. You don’t have to do it.
5:08 this foundation brush is very good, IZ*ONE’s makeup artist made. it’s popular among Korean people.
5:17 “ok saem” who took charge of Won Young and Min Ju. actually I’ve not experienced ok saem’s makeup but this is made by ok saem.
5:28 Iother brushes I use are made by that artist, too. It’s really comfortable to use.
5:37 apply this center on my face..
5:43 I think this foundation is good for performing on the stage. so I recommend this for idols who watch this.
5:53 apply roughly and use this sponge to stick it in.
5:57 this foundation is really good. In Korea, lots of people apply this amount of foundation, but maybe in Japan, some people will feel it Cakey.
6:07 it covers your skin so well that you don’t have to use any Concealer. and it can make dewy Finish.
6:16 I finished foundation process, so then concealer process. Luna.
6:22 I use the one which has most bright color. It’s not cakey and comfortable to use.
6:33 It’s good with all different foundations.
6:36 I have Strong preference with concealer process, I definitely put it on around mouth. It usually has skin dullness.
6:49 so make this dull skin glow by using concealer.
6:55 I think you use concealer on darkcircle, too. I take care not to put it on my Eye bags. If I apply concealer wide under my eyes, it makes my eyes small.
7:18 Then, putting on some Loose Powder.
this is another ok saem’s brush.
I usually use laura mercier’s or dior’s but this time, it’s concert so I never want my makeup comes off or looks oily, I use innisfree’s.
7:38 This makes my makeup never come off or look oily. This is the best powder I think.
7:48 now my face comes to be as usual.
7:50 If you put on too much powder, then your eye makeup’ll not go well.
7:57 So put on a little at first, and put on again at the very last.

08:02 next, eyebrow makeup. I asked my makeup artist to do it at the concert day,
08:08 but today, because there is only me, I’ll try it by myself.
08:13 whomee.
08:18 my hair was pink on the concert day. I think she use this color and this color.
08:25 I always draw a little longer than my original eyebrow,
08:29 so that my face looks more small, and well-proportioned.
08:35 I’ll make my eyes bigger than origindl afterwards, Ditto for eyebrows

08:49 Dolly wink.
08:52 this color goes really well with my hair color.
08:57 I think it’s better to make my eyebrows brighter than my hair. my only preference about eyebrow.
09:13 eye makeup.
09:15 Clio.
09:19 I think everyone watching this movies has it, it’s really comfortable to use.
09:27 on the concert day, my costumes’ color were pink or pastel color and those were cute. the stage set was also pink.
So, I use pink one.
09:40 I use this everyday.
9:43 I use a lot of brushes as a painter,
9:46 use a little big one first, use these colors.
9:54 all makeup artists line up many Eyeshadows on the table and mix up two or three colors on their hand and then useit.
10:02 I think that is so cool, so I imitate them.

10:06 I’m mixing two colors. it looks good so maybe it’s a right way.
10:15 If I mix these two on my eye hole, I can’t put on evenly so I mix it on my hand.

10:20 put on this color on the whole eye hole. I usd very little amount. that’s enough.
10:30 same as another eye hole.
If you use this more, you must put on so much of next color.
10:39 we can’t delete what we’ve put on or apply, so take care not to put on too much.
10:47 putting on same color on eye bags.
I believe this area, wrinkles when I smile, is my eye, too.
11:01 I think I’m a little long‐faced, so I take care of putting colors and lines widely on my eye makeup.
11:11 same the other.
11:19 for double line area, these colors.
I heard it’s good to put on tail of the eye first. It looks more natural much amount on tail of the eye.
11:37 use eyeshadow remaing in brush on inner corner of the eye
11:57 same on the other.
12:01 then put this color on eye bags. from tail of the eye to iris.
12:28 I think some people feel weird at this moment, but it’s OK.
12:32 Even If you feel something missing, you must not put on more color yet.
12:38 after eyeliner and mascara, then put on more color.
12:52 Then eyeliner. Piccasso.
13:01 I’m particular about not using black on my eye. If I use black, it lools heavy.
13:08 and black doesn’t go well with pink colors.
So I use brown eyeliner and brown mascara.
13:21 Gel eyeliner is very good about not coming off, but it’s difficult to draw well.
it needs practice. draw on hand first.
13:33 Gel eyeliner is free to change line width and darkness. It’s really good point but difficult at the same time. it really doesn’t come off.
13:43 stamping like this. between eyelash.
13:57 from now drawing eyeline.
13:59 I failed three times at this process, so I delete and draw, delete and draw…like that.



Mistletoe LUN

Jesus almost 1M! Everyone pls also watch fan cam of swan and sequence. They are 900k+ views, let’s get them to 1M!


The only blemish in bare faced Sakura are her dark circles but that too is a symbol of how hardworking she is. Be it a group or solo ONCE A QUEEN ALWAYS A QUEEN 👸🏻







man-utd1878 toru



These makeup brands should pay Sakura well. She is promoting them so much better then the models those brands use.

Pascal Hanggoro

when she’s laugh because she didn’t know how to pronounce his make up, her cuteness going : 999+%

Kent Vesser

I expected a lot of Korean and Japanese comments. I am really surprised by the number of English ones. It really shows how wide a net that group cast far beyond East Asia.


F in the chat for all of us who went to buy those foundations and then saw the shade range LOL. Sakura is so entertaining to watch though, I’ll sit through anything if she’s in it 🙂


As someone who doesn’t know anything about makeup it kinda amazes/scares me that ladies, in general, can use brushes/pencils that close to the eye. I can’t help but think how easy it is to poke the eye when you’re that close 😅

Also, seeing Sakura with no makeup just reminded me again how beautiful she is. I also like that she is informative when explaining what certain makeup is used and how to properly use them.

Aurelia Cotta

사쿠라의 진지하게 화장하는 모습을 볼 수 있어서 너무 좋았습니다.
평소에 활동을 위해서 저렇게 많은 화장을 하고 무대에 섰을 쿠라가
무더운 올 여름을 잘 보내길 바랍니다.

N Anne


Cris R

Oow se maquilla tan bonito y lo hace ver tan sencillo que me dan ganas de intentarlo algun día <3 Igual, Sakura-chan se ve hermosa con y sin maquillaje <3


화장법이 완전 한국스타일 그 자체네ㅋㅋㅋ 제품도 그렇고ㅎㅎ
사쿠라가 직접 속눈썹 불고데기 하는 걸 볼 줄이야 ㅋㅋ

i a


Something Something

Well, it seems like there is no Chinese comment here yet, so here I go


mai haya


Knights of Zero



1:40 下地①
2:27 スポンジ
2:50 下地②
3:50 ファンデーション
5:10 ファンデーションブラシ
6:19 コンシーラー
7:35 パウダー
8:12 アイブロウパウダー
8:49 眉マスカラ
9:16 アイシャドウ①
12:54 ジェルアイライナー
17:34 つけまつ毛
17:56 つけまつ毛のり
18:55 マスカラ
19:24 ビューラー(火と竹串)
21:25 アイシャドウ②
22:27 グリッター
23:53 チーク①
24:17 チーク②
24:21 チーク③
25:34 リップ①
25:39 リップ②
26:04 リップ③

Brenda Gi

Es tan linda Sakura😍 revelando los secretos de make up del kpop jaja 🤭 eres grande Sakura!!! Ahora es tiempo de triunfar con Luz propia haciendo lo q más amas😉


Sakura’s bare face makes her face really looks a japanese. I mean she’s a japanese and somehow, I like her bare face most. hehehe


얼마 전 채연,예나 인스타 라이브때 사쿠라 피부가 진짜 좋다고 했던게 이래서 그렇구나. 더군다나 생얼이 넘나 이뻐 ♡

rose rose

우왁 역시 일본어 댓글 천지….위즈원은 아니지만 사쿠라는 뭘쓸까 하고 들어왔는데 95%가 K-뷰티ㅎㅎ 색조는 우리나라거가 좋은게 많긴 하죠😊

Saki Tachibana

Can you show us how to make false eyelashes more natural and the blink blink eye make up under eyes?

yoonju Baek

꾸라 ♥ 엄청 K- 메이크업 다 익혔구나!! 제품도 그렇고 불고데기라니 ㅎㅎㅎ 왠지 모르게 뿌듯 ㅎㅎㅎ 너무 예쁘다!! 진짜 처음부터 끝까지 푹 빠져서 영상에 집중해서 봤어요👏👏
파운데이션 같이 좋은 정보도 알아갑니당~

puff balls

I love romand products. I use the shade juicy tint shade nucadamia as daily lip tint. Non drying, and leaves a lip stain. I also use their zero cushion as my go to cushion to withstand this tropical weather. I like to top it it powder for even lesser mask transfer. Their best product for me is their sunblock ❤️, non sticky, no white cast.


You have to rate sakura for showing her real bare face. So many idols use heavy filters or bb cream/eyebrows filled in and say its their bare face but Sakura straight up showed hers. We love a confident queen


진짜 본판이 이미 완성이다…
한국에 있는 저는 메이크업할때 일본 브랜드제품을 꽤 많이 사용하는데, 일본에 계신분들은 한국제품 많이 쓰시나요? 사쿠라가 쓰는걸 보니까 반갑네요.

Alice Gong

Sakura learned so much from the makeup artists! I was so impressed with the way she was applying and how she was doing the makeup to suit her face shape well. I will definitely take some tips and recommendations for myself hehe


i am aware that idols have to look like “something”. that’s the nature of the music industry, where appearance counts, among other things.

i had the pleasure of seeing some members of iz*one without makeup, and i have to say that all of them are beautiful without exception…including sakura.

the great thing about it:

i didn’t meet idols, but young women who were just young women. i will always remember that.


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